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Coronavirus Wedding Day Procedures and Guidelines

Updated 22nd May 2021

  • As of the announcement regarding personal contact services reopening on the 12th April 2021 hair and make up application is allowed providing all safety precautions and PPE are in place, these are listed below and must be followed for treatments to take place.

  • Every client must fill in a pre wedding day consultation form 12-24 hours before the date of event. Links will be sent to the bride prior to this.

  • Please set up a work area with a chair and plug socket as near to the natural light as possible in a cleaned and sanitised area before the booked time slot.

  • Please make sure only the minimum amount of people needed are in the room and that anyone not having the treatment done remains 2m away at all times until it is their turn.

  • I will arrive in PPE and will wear a mask for the duration of the appointment. I will also have a clear visor and will wear this too if this is preferred.

  • I will sanitise my hands regularly.

  • Clients will be required to wear a mask during treatment apart from when face make up is being applied to minimise the risk during time spent in close contact.

  • Please allow extra time for appointments to allow time for extra hygiene methods between clients.

  • Wedding day payments to be made the week before by bank transfer for contactless payment.

  • If anyone is present at the wedding and showing symptoms of Coronavirus their hair and make up will not be able to be done and they must not be present in the area / room I am working in.

  • I will be following all guidelines and instructions set out by the government and the World Health Organisation and thank you for your co-operation with this matter.

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